In the first two classes with Stuart Poyntz in our second semester, Aesthetics made a come back to my Arts Education studies and I was pleasantly surprised how welcome they were in my world! (Once the initial resistance wore off of course!)
Jan 7 Key Questions from Stuart
What is the role of art and politics in this context?
What are the roles of aesthetics in art for social change practices?
What is the fit between artists and politics in the community engaged arts tradition?
Jan 21 Second set of Key Questions from Stuart
What is the role of aesthetics in art for social change work?
What is the fit between artists and politics and how can this relationship be taken up in the community engaged arts tradition?
What languages can help us with these questions?
Although I am still working on my answers to these questions, and pondering them continuously, these question sets sparked something in me important to my journey of exploring aesthetic beauty in my work. I had pretended that aesthetics were not important to me, that I did not care at all about virtuosity or beauty in my work, and that is simply false. Aesthetics of ASC may look different than that of Fine Arts but they are still there if you look! This exploration continues with my use of the Aesthetic Perspectives document in a variety of ways throughout my two years, including this sharing of learning as you will see as you read on.
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